Health & Safety News

Find out about the latest changes to Guidelines from HSE, RCUK and Awarding Organisations, as well as announcements on new course releases and updates from HTS.

Latest Health & Safety News

Make sure you keep up-to-date with changes in the world of Health & Safety. Guidelines may not change often, but when they do, it's important for you to be on top of things.

All of the resources are freely available here, or you can sign up to our mailing list to get a notification when we release more.

News & Current Events

Get news on latest happenings in H&S and how they may impact your organisation. Also includes dates for your calendar

Guideline Changes

Keep on top of changes to guidelines from the HSE, Resuscitation Council and Awarding Organisations 

Course Releases

As we release new face-to-face, online and blended learning courses, we'll announce them here. Be among the first to hear

News & Current Events

Details of latest goings-on in the world of Health & Safety

Guideline Changes

Your place to keep up-to-date with guideline changes

New Course Releases

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