Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions
‘Attendee(s)’ – Any individual or individuals attending a course or receiving the services directly from HTS
‘Client’ – Any company, person or firm that purchases the services from HTS.
‘Charge(s)’ – The HTS’s charges in place from time to time, and as agreed with the Client.
‘Contract’ – The contract between the supplier and the client incorporating these terms and conditions
‘HTS’ – The supplier of the services, being HTS Training Ltd, company no. 7142129, registered address 9 Quantock Close, Bedford. MK41 9EW.
‘In-house Course’ – A course run by HTS for a single client, usually at premises owned or managed by the client
‘Materials’ – Any Documents supplied by one party to another relating to the Service
‘Open Course’ – A course run by HTS for more than one client, at premises not owned or managed by the client
‘Service(s)’ – The service(s) supplied to the Client by HTS Training Ltd
‘Terms’ – These general terms and conditions
Notes: In these definitions and throughout the Terms the singular includes the plural and vice versa.
These terms and conditions will apply to the provision of any services and supersede any other terms and conditions
2. Supply
2.1 On confirmation of purchase of the Services, HTS will confirm the order in writing by invoice or order confirmation. An offer to purchase the Services shall not be accepted until HTS have confirmed in writing. On written confirmation of an order or on date of invoice, a contract is deemed to be formed between the parties.
2.2. The Client shall promptly provide HTS with any materials and other equipment items necessary for HTS to properly perform the Service.
2.3. HTS may alter these Terms at any time if necessary to comply with any relevant safety or other statutory requirements, or which do not materially affect the nature or quality of the Service.
3. Clients Obligations
3.1. The Client agrees to provide sufficient details of all Attendees in order for HTS to provide the Services.
3.2. The Client warrants that any Attendees shall be physically able and competent to attend the Courses and carry out any practical elements in full.
3.3. For in-house courses, the Client should make every effort to guarantee that courses can take place at the agreed location, date and time, and that the facilities are acceptable for training to commence.
3.4. In particular, the client warrants that the room and other facilities provided by them in which the training is to take place has sufficient space to allow for any social distancing in place at the time, and that
3.5. In the event that our instructor is unable to carry out the training as intended, in the instructor’s opinion, due to failings of any of the above obligations, the trainer may:
- cancel the course
- reduce the number of candidates attending the course
- modify the course in any way deemed appropriate to accommodate the shortcomings of the training venue.
In each case, the full course fee will remain payable and no refund will be provided.
3.6. Should any candidate begin to show symptoms of COVID-19 within 14 days of the training, the client will contact HTS’s head office on 01234 308 740 to allow HTS to inform the trainer and to carry out contact tracing in line with the prevailing Government policy.
4. Attendee Obligations
4.1. Students attending courses leading to a regulated qualification must attend the whole course in order to meet the required criteria, therefore good time keeping is essential.
4.2. Failure to attend any part of the course will result in the student not being assessed as competent and we will not be able to issue them with a certificate. Due to this we reserve the right to refuse any late arrivals entry to the course. Reasonable efforts will be made to delay the start of a course if there are any major unforeseen circumstances affecting students' ability to reach the venue.
4.3 Attendees are expected to behave in a non-offensive and non-disruptive manner. HTS reserve the right to ask an attendee to leave the course immediately if behaviour is considered by the trainer to be offensive or detrimental to continuation of the course. In such circumstances, the candidate in question will forfeit their course fee, and will not be awarded a qualification.
4.4 Attendees are required to wear any PPE appropriate for their environment, the training and in line with Government and Awarding Organisation guidelines in force at the time. The trainer reserves the right to refuse entry onto the course if such PPE is not worn.
4.5 Candidates should not attend the course if they are, or believe that they are suffering from any symptoms of COVID-19 or other contagious illness, or if they should be isolating due to recent contact with someone suffering from such an illness. If the trainer believes that a candidate should not be attending due to exposure to or having the symptoms of COVID-19 or any other contagious illness, the trainer will refuse that candidate’s entry onto the course.
4.6 Should a candidate develop any symptoms of COVID-19 or any other contagious illness during the course, they must leave the course immediately. If the trainer believes that the candidate has developed such symptoms, he or she will ask the candidate to leave.
5. Payment
5.1. The Client agrees to pay the charges as set out in the invoice within the payment terms set out on the invoice.
5.2. The Charges and terms may be varied by HTS from time to time.
5.3. All quoted prices and Charges exclude VAT, for which the Client is additionally liable.
5.4. We accept payment by cheque or BACS.
5.5. Cheques should be made payable to HTS Training Ltd.
5.6. HTS may charge interest on any outstanding amounts at the rate of 8% above the base rate from time to time of National Westminster Bank Plc, from the date due for payment, until the outstanding amount is paid in full.
5.7. HTS reserves the right to suspend, cancel or postpone the Services if any amounts are outstanding beyond the payment terms on the relevant invoice.
5.8. If payment of any Charges have not been received at least 14 days before the commencement of the Services, HTS reserve the right to cancel the Services, and the Client will at HTS's discretion, be liable for 100% of the outstanding Charges.
5.9. We require full payment for any online courses before access is granted to the client to any online course content.
6. Confirmation
6.1. Provisional bookings over the phone will be held for a maximum of 7 days if the booking is made at least 28 days prior to commencement of the course.
6.2. Candidate names must be received by us no later than 14 days prior to the booked Course commencing or on booking if booked less than 14 days before start date of the booked Course.
7. Warranties and Liability
7.1. HTS Training Ltd warrants that all services will be provided in a professional manner in accordance with generally recognised practices and standards and will use appropriately qualified and experienced instructors to deliver courses.
7.2. Subject as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, all warranties, conditions or other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law and HTS shall not be liable to the Client for any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise), costs, expenses or other claims for compensation whatsoever, whether arising out of or in connection with the supply of the Service.
7.3. HTS Training Ltd cannot be held responsible for any circumstances outside our control which may affect our ability to fulfil our commitment to you. Such circumstances include (but are not limited to) adverse weather conditions, illness, sudden trainer unavailability, requirement to self-isolate due to COVID-19 or other infectious illnesses or unexpected changes in legislation etc.
7.4. In the unlikely event of HTS having been unable to run a particular course, HTS will arrange to run the same course at the same or similar venue at a time convenient to both parties. If no convenient arrangement can be made, HTS will refund those fees already paid by the Client, for the Service(s) that were not delivered.
7.5. The entire liability of HTS Training Ltd under or in connection with the Services shall not exceed the total charges paid by the client.
7.6. HTS shall not be liable to the Client, or in breach of contract, if they delay in performing, or fail to perform, any of their obligations to the Client, if that delay or failure was beyond its reasonable control.
7.7. HTS does not accept liability for any accidents or misuse of training carried out by any students after they have completed the course. We strongly recommend that any first aider take out a Good Samaritan insurance or other relevant insurance to cover them when providing first aid or other first aid related activities. It is the responsibility of the Attendees to obtain any necessary insurance.
7.8. Students who participate in training with our company do so at their own risk. We have to comply with HSE and Awarding Body regulations for all our regulated qualifications and reserve the right to make any changes to these courses as required by the HSE or awarding body without prior notice. In line with our company's policy of Continuous Professional Development for all our trainers we also reserve the right to make any changes necessary to course content and material in line with recommendations from relevant bodies such as the Resuscitation Council etc.
7.9. By booking a course the Client agrees that they have read and understood these terms and conditions.
8. Changes and Cancellations by the Client
8.1. Public (Open) Courses
Cancellation or change of date charges for open courses are as follows:
8.1.1. Cancellation or change of date between 22 and 28 working days before day 1 of course: 25% of course fee
8.1.2. Cancellation or change of date between 15 and 21 working days before day 1 of course: 50% of course fee
8.1.3. Cancellation or change of date within 14 working days of day 1 of course: 100% of course fee.
8.1.4. Non-attendance to a course will not be considered as a cancellation, and the Client will be liable for the full Charges.
8.2. In-house Courses
Cancellation or change of date charges for in-house (on site) courses are as follows:
8.2.1. Cancellation or change of date between 15 and 28 working days before day 1 of course: an administration fee of £75 may be charged and any other unavoidable costs may be recovered.
8.2.2. Cancellation or change of date within 14 working days before day 1 of course: 100% of course fee.
8.2.3. Rescheduling is subject to availability of your proposed new date.
9. Changes and Cancellations by HTS
9.1. HTS reserve the right to cancel or reschedule courses due to low numbers of delegates on a particular course. In this case, every effort will be made to reschedule the course to a time convenient to all parties.
9.2. In such a case, HTS will make all reasonable efforts to notify the Client in advance, via their preferred means of contact.
9.3.HTS reserve the right to move delegates to an equivalent course on an alternate date and/or location. If no convenient arrangement can be made, HTS will refund those fees already paid by the Client, for the Service(s) that were not delivered.
9.4 In each case, where multiple candidates are attending from a single organisation, HTS will notify the central booking contact, not the individual candidates.
10. Online & Blended Courses
10.1. The online courses and online elements of blended courses may be provided by HTS or by a third party.
10.2. HTS will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the content within the online courses is accurate and current.
10.3. The ownership of the content within online courses remains with the original course producer and copyright holder. Nothing within the purchase of an online or blended course transfers any ownership of the content to the Client.
10.4. The Client agrees to use the content only for the purpose for which it was intended – undertaking the course. The Client agrees that they will not copy, adapt or reverse engineer the course or software in any way.
10.5. The Client will not share access or in any other way provide the content to others.
10.6 The Client is provided with 3 months access to the course from the date of purchase. If the Client wishes to retake the course beyond that time, they will need to purchase a further licence.
10.7 Refunds and cancellations of online courses are not possible once licence keys have been issued.
11. Other
11.1. For assessed courses, a certificate will be provided to all learners successfully completing the course.
11.2. Certificates for accredited courses will be sent to the invoice/requested address following the successful completion of the course. Any replacement or duplicate certificates will incur an fee of £5.00 + VAT per certificate including postage and packing.
11.3. Certificates of attendance for non-accredited courses may be handed out at the end of the course, or sent on following completion of the course.
11.4. For open courses and courses at our venues, tea, coffee and water are included. Please note that no lunches are provided for candidates.
11.5. For in-house courses, HTS asks that the Client provides a suitable, carpeted location with sufficient space, complete with flip chart and paper, a means of showing PowerPoint presentations, and tea, coffee and water as refreshment.
11.6 For in-house courses, HTS may, at its discretion, charge excess mileage, at a rate of 45p per mile, for all mileage exceeding a 75-mile round trip from Bedford to the client's premises.
11.7. HTS reserve the right to refuse entry onto any course any Attendees beyond the number for whom the Client has paid in advance.
11.8. HTS reserve the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time. A copy of the latest terms and conditions are available at https://hts-training.co.uk/terms-and-conditions/ and on request from info@hts-training.co.uk.